Our Office
9 Fairbairn, Mt Pleasant, Harare, ZW
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We are the Leader in Construction Industry

Creating the best value for your money!

Our clients and partners represent some of the largest and most established companies and government agencies and individuals in Zimbabwe,-

Preconstruction services


Design Build

Road Construction

Building Construction

Project Management

Using our combined experience, technical experise and local knowledge, we're able to deliver projects and services that contribute to the community, our economy and future generations

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Mission, Vision And Objectives

Our Mission

To form long-term relationships of value with our clients and partners by using quality construction and engineering solutions and employing the best resources and latest techniques.

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Our Vision

To be the leading provider of quality construction and engineering services in Zimbabwe and across Southern Africa.

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Our Objective

Straightlink Construction aims to provide the highest possible standard of quality and service in the construction industry, giving Clients the best satisfaction the Company can offer.

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